I lead the Resolution team – a team of highly skilled and experienced investigators and mediators who help our clients uncover, address and move beyond workplace difficulties. The excellence of our investigations and mediations is always underpinned by byrne∙dean’s commitment to creating kinder, fairer workplaces, realising potential.
My role is to build and manage relationships with our clients, to make sure that we are helping them in the way that they need, and to help team members with strategic thinking and draw on the wider byrne∙dean expertise.
Before joining byrne∙dean, I was an employment lawyer for nearly 25 years, several years of which I was a partner in a tier one employment law department, co-heading the London employment team. I’ve also worked as employment counsel in-house at a major insurer and in an HR consultancy. I’ve conducted, led and commissioned countless investigations, and strongly believe that the best way of uncovering the facts is to treat everyone involved with empathy and compassion.
Investigations can be profoundly unpleasant for everyone involved, and risk damaging already fractured relationships. The Resolution team aims to heal relationships, where we can, rather than making things worse, and I’m proud to play my part in that.
2014-2021: Director Optimise HR
2019-2020: Interim in-house Employment Council, AXA XL
2014-2023: Consultant, DAC Beachcroft
2009-2012: Co-head of DAC Beachcroft London Employment, Pensions and Immigration Group
2007-2014: Partner, DAC Beachcroft
2004-2007: Associate, Beachcroft (now DAC Beachcroft)
2000-2004: Associate, Ashurst
1998 to 2000: Solicitor, Barnett Alexander Clark
1996 to 1998: Trainee, Stephenson Harwood
BA (English), Manchester University
CPE, College of Law
LPC, College of Law
Blogs & Articles by
Zoe Wigan

Conflict at work: to escalate or de-escalate?

HR Magazine: 2025 will bring more workplace conflict, what's HR's next move?
Head of Resolution Zoe Wigan shares three principles that can help HRs meet the challenge of workplace conflict.

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