byrne·dean bitesize

Workplace microlearning - fundamental tools and tips delivered

Decades of our live training experience, distilled into minutes.

It’s byrne·dean - but it’s bitesize. We’ve packaged up our unique style and approach to helping create kinder, fairer workplaces that realise potential, by giving your people access to byrne·dean expertise.

Flexible and cost-effective

Select the areas that best suit the needs of your people and the issues they face in their daily work.

Accessible to your entire workforce

Everyone in your organisation has 24/7 access to your bitesize selections, no restrictions.

Digital workplace microlearning

~6 minute microlearning for when your people need it most — in the flow of work.

Blend with in-person sessions

Increase knowledge retention following our high-impact live training sessions.

Workplace microlearning that's optimised for knowledge retention.

Leadership fundamentals

Fundamentals of good leadership. What do I need to do?

Where do people problems come from? How can I prevent something escalating?

As a leader, what do I need to know about mental health?

People challenges and how to approach difficult conversations

Essential management conversations

Someone on my team is underperforming - how do I have that conversation?

Someone on my team just doesn't seem motivated - what do I do?

I’m worried someone in my team is struggling to cope. How do I talk to them?

Team dynamics: I think there's potential conflict on the team. What do I do?

How can I support a colleague who is going through the menopause?

Harassment, approachability and addressing workplace conduct

What is harassment? What do I need to know?

How do I create psychological safety? How can I make sure I am approachable so that people raise their concerns with me?

Someone’s just said or done something problematic. As a leader, what’s my responsibility for the conduct of people on my team?

Equity, diversity and inclusion

Equity, diversity and inclusion fundamentals - what do I need to know?

How can I make conscious decisions? Decisions without bias.

How can I ensure I hire the best? Overcoming bias and hiring top talent.

Employment relations – understanding and implementing the rules

What are the key employment law concepts I need to think about as a manager?

I’ve been asked to handle a disciplinary, complaint or grievance, how do I approach it?

For everyone

Respect at work: what's my responsibility in a team?

How can you receive feedback well - with growth mindset?

What is mental health and wellbeing?

Workplace culture and speaking up - what are your roles and responsibilities?

Coping with stress and building resilience

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