Having worked for many years in the Legal and Financial sectors, I have seen first-hand how a positive and engaging workplace is an asset to both individual wellbeing and business performance.
My grounding as a City Employment Lawyer means I am well aware of the risks to be managed in an employment context. However, my time in HR has also emphasised how important the human and non-legal aspects of the employment relationship are to successful outcomes – for the people and the business.
Workplace culture, values, engagement and competence are all key to maintaining thriving workplaces. I deliver a range of workplace training sessions, combining my personal and professional experience which help bring this to life. I have also carried out culture reviews in companies to help identify any issues that need to be addressed.
I understand the many benefits of resolving workplace issues informally and the value of good conversations in helping to achieve that. However, when required, delivering fair, rigorous and trusted investigations, is also an important part of the work that I do.
I’m known for working with a high degree of integrity, warmth and compassion and enjoy bringing this, along with my experience, to the work I do at byrne·dean, helping to create kinder, fairer workplaces that realise potential.
2021: Principal Consultant, byrne·dean
2019-2020 and 2011 - 2016: Head of HR, Arrowgrass Capital Partners LLP
2017: ER role at Macmillan Cancer Support
2010 - 2011: HR Generalist, Gartmore Investment Managementplc
2006 - 2010: Assistant Solicitor, Macfarlanes
2003 - 2006: Trainee, then Assistant Solicitor, Jones Day
LLB Law (First Class) with European Study (Spanish), Exeter and Deusto
LPC (Distinction), Nottingham Law School
CIPD Level 7 Advanced Diploma – HR Development
MBTI Level 1
Postgraduate Certificate in Business & Personal Coaching, accredited by the University of Chester
Mental Health First Aider
Blogs & Articles by
Cathy Oliver

8 Tips for getting sexual misconduct in the workplace investigations right
3 top tips to navigate effective workplace investigations

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