Blogs & Articles by

Byrne Dean

Unlocking together – taking a more collective approach to workplace Change

As we emerge further from lockdown, the workplace will be changing for your employees, and you face a choice about how you engage with them...

Emerging from my shed

Those that know me, know that I talk a lot about my shed. Indeed, recently at a new project meeting, when asked to introduce ourselves...

Exposing imposter experience

Ever felt that you are a bit of a fraud at work? Despite good feedback and apparently doing well, you can’t shake the feeling that you don’t belong? Wha...

#ChooseToChallenge at work? Okay. But how?

The theme of this year’s IWD next week on 8 March is #ChooseToChallenge. Many people want to challenge, feel they should challenge, know things won’t ch...
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