Amanda Okill

Principal Consultant

I am delighted be part of the byrne·dean team working as a Principal Consultant alongside colleagues whose mission is to create a kinder, fairer and more productive workplace. These values are closely aligned with my own and they underpin the approach I take in my role.

I am passionate about justice. I am also fascinated by human behaviour. These are the reasons I trained as a Lawyer specialising in employment. For 17 years I worked with individual and business clients, often in situations involving a high level of conflict which risked livelihoods, stability and reputation. As an Employment Lawyer my work with clients focused on damage limitation. At the start of my career, I found the litigation process exciting. I will never forget that high of winning one of my first cases and our celebratory drink in a pub near the Tribunal in East London. The client thanked me but went on to speak of his sense of betrayal, after a loyal employee had accused him, falsely, of discrimination. He did not feel triumph in the successful outcome, only a sense of exhaustion and sadness. This pattern continued throughout my career; I soon realized that there are no real winners in employment litigation. It comes at a huge cost.

As a Facilitator, I draw on my professional and personal experience as well as my training as a mediator to work in a different way, engaging before any dispute has arisen. The process of facilitation is interactive, practical and impactful. I challenge delegates to reflect on their workplace behaviours and to implement small but lasting changes which are key to minimizing conflict.

I work with clients from around the world, which I find enormously rewarding. I have a diverse background having grown up in South Africa, lived and studied law in France and the UK.

I look forward to working with you and your organisation to bring about positive and lasting change.


2021 - current: Principal Consultant at byrne·dean

2007 - 2021: Senior Associate, Furley Page LLP

2004 - 2007: Trainee and Employment Solicitor, Brachers LLP

2004: Trainee Secondee at Bignion Lebray, Desol Associés (Lille)

2002: Claims Negotiator, Axa Insurance

English and French Law LLB (Hons), University of Kent

Licence en Droit, Université Montesquieu, Bordeaux IV

BA Majoring in English, University of Cape Town

Legal Practice Course, College of Law, Guildford

Level 7 Certification in Human Resources, CIPD

Accredited Mediator, London School of Mediation

Mental Health First Aider

Blogs & Articles by

Amanda Okill

Confronting loneliness: our shared responsibility

Amanda Okill explores the growing concern of loneliness and ways to address it in the modern workplace.

How to give constructive feedback (and how to receive it)

Discover best practice tips for giving constructive feedback from expert Amanda, plus ways to receive feedback that will help you learn and grow.

Avoidance and ignorance: Mid-life women and the menopause at work

Our expert explains why workplaces are failing this crucial demographic, and how people can speak up if they need to.

Supporting employees through the menopause

Our top tips for how workplaces can take action now and support their employees - to the benefit of not only their people, but their business and bottom line.
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