I was supposed to post this on Day 4 of the week. Not for the first time I am late! For some time I have thought that if we are going to make progress on gender, then it's up to men. We are primarily responsible for the discrimination that happens and we will benefit hugely from a reduction. I saw Michael Kimmel's TED recently and have used it in a couple of the workplaces I'm working in on gender. I like the tone and the message.
Okay, so I realise this is a "click bait" type of question! And it's not actually a question I've posed myself, but is the subject of a Harvard Busines...
I realise that it is probably too late for most people to recommend some holiday reading but here is a book that really does warrant some attention. Fo...
That's what I was asked to answer yesterday as the Chair of a panel event at Swiss Re. Actually, their title was more of a presumption: "How to be authe...
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