Five numbers from 2017 to win over those unconvinced by the 'soft' arguments. Why should you care about how your people are feeling at work?

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Byrne Dean
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64% - the percentage increase in tribunal claims lodged by single claimants between July and September 2017 compared to the same period in 2016 (and following the removal of tribunal fees).

£1,744,576 – the highest unfair dismissal award made by the employment tribunals in 2016/2017.

526,000 – the number of UK workers suffering from work-related stress, depression or anxiety.

12.5 million – the number of UK working days per year lost due to mental health issues in 2016/2017 according to HSE.

4.7 million – the number of people who (according to Wikipedia) used #metoo on Facebook in the first 24 hours.

Since 2003 byrne·dean has worked with many organisations from a variety of industries to help create working environments where people feel valued, comfortable, challenged and safe. Healthy and happy people thrive, it is easy to achieve and research supports the existence of a natural correlation with organisational success.

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