Employee engagement - the toughest Covid time is now!

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Byrne Dean
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A few weeks ago I wrote about employee engagement in week 7 of lockdown. I talked about moving from the operational position of the first few weeks to the relational.  The need to really connect human to human on an emotional, possibly high risk, level to ensure that individuals feel engaged right now. The post is here

I think though that we are now entering the toughest time in terms of engagement and inclusion. Uncertain times continue. In my 25 year career of dealing with unhappy people in workplaces, I don't think I have ever encountered such a threat to inclusion. Furloughing (part time/full time), redundancies and people fearful of returning to the physical workspace. Some people free to choose, others not. If you'd like to hear more please listen to this podcast where I team up with XpertHR to explain more about what we need to think about and do right now.

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