I don't want to appear as if I have suddenly developed a crush on Facebook, but this advice to anyone running a company (or possibly just anyone in business) just resonates so clearly. It's just too easy to roll out stuff that works!
Zuckerberg said of the self-made billionaire: "Peter was the person who told me this really pithy quote: 'In a world that's changing so quickly, the biggest risk you can take is not taking any risk.' I really think that that's true."
Of course, I'm writing this blog on a Sunday afternoon - oops, that tells you something about how rubbish I am at managing my work / life balance! I'm n...
Businesses aim for targets - often economic (growth, profit, market share) but also perhaps developmental, technological, ideological even. If Uber’s si...
Given that inclusion is, in essence, about making sure people are comfortable in their working environment, it's ironic that the action we need to take ...
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