Do you feel included at your firm?

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We are conducting some research to better understand how lawyers feel at work, the obstacles to greater inclusion and wellbeing, and the changes that could be made to workplace cultures at law firms. Please could you spare a couple of minutes to complete this anonymous survey?  It will take approximately five minutes to complete with all individual responses kept strictlyanonymous.  We want as many lawyers as possible to respond – at all levels - so please do forward it to as many of your colleagues as possible.

Results will be discussed at the event Who Cares? Helping partners to show that people matter: a practical approach, on 30th January 2018 at the De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms, 61-65 Great Queen Street, WC2B 5DA from 17.15 to 19.00.  Click here to register for your place.  

If you have any questions about this research, please contact

Thank you for your contribution!  

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