Conduct in the Financial Sector - are you compliant?

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Over the last year we have been helping firms across the financial sector to get to grips with the new requirements of the Senior Managers and Certification Regime. The next wave of the regime comes into force on 7 March 2017 when the regulatory Code of Conduct will be extended to cover a much wider group of people. The regulators have recommended that firms train their staff to ensure that they understand the new Code of Conduct and how it will apply to them. If you want to make sure you are compliant we can help!

byrne.dean can train your staff on what the new Code of Conduct will entail, how it will be applied and what it means on a day-to-day basis for employees who are to be captured by a regulatory code for the first time. We run a short, interactive session that uses practical case studies to bring the Code of Conduct to life and gets people thinking about what it really means for them. We have already run successful Code of Conduct training programmes for a number of our clients. If you would like to find out more please email me at

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